100 години футбол в Плевен

100 години футбол в Плевен

 На днешната дата, преди точно 100 години е поставено началото на футбола в Плевен. На 10.09.1919 г. студентът Драгомир Несторов, заедно със свои приятели учредява първия футболен отбор в града, носещ името "Скобелев". Името идва от прочутия като "Белия генерал" герой от Руско-турската освободителна война. Именно под негово ръководство руската армия успява да превземе Плевен, в една от ключовите битки по време на войната.

 Малко по-късно в града възникват и други отбори: "Победа", "Вит", "Левски", "Ботев" и "Белите орли". През 1946 година новата власт решава футболните отбори да минат под шапката на различни институции и така "Белите орли" стават "Републиканец", под егидата на МВР. Основателите на отбора не харесват името и през зимата на следващата година отбора се преименува на "Спартак".

 С течение на годините "Спартак" остава и единствения футболен клуб в Плевен и с гордост можем да му честитим днешния вековен юбилей, тъй като обединява цялата футболна традиция на града.

 Понастоящем съдбата на отбора не е цветуща - отборът е на последно място във Втора лига и изглежда изпитва сериозни финансови проблеми. "Спартак" не е играл елитен футбол от далечната 2002 година.

 Футболът в града под Панорамата може да се гордее с първия мач, игран на осветление на целия Балкански полуостров. Това се случва през април 1924 година, а инициативата е на Хараламби Гаридов. Целта е развлечение за хората във времена, когато газовата лампа е била излишен лукс, а да не говорим за електрическо осветление.

" Още отрано военната музика е заела места край игрището. Чуват се пушечни изстрели и възбудени човешки гласове. Ето как описва събитието съвременникът Александър К. Бекярски: „Дойде уреченият час. Игрището беше смрачено. По едно време два големи прожектора, захранвани от агрегат, бяха пуснати в действие. Две киномашини, поставени на малко разстояние една от друга, осветяваха вратите, а четири трактора - игрището. Опасваха го два реда гирлянди с големи и силни електрически крушки. Въпреки това публиката почти не се виждаше. Тя беше вън от обсега на светлината и само от време на време проблясваше слабо някое засмяно или възбудено лице.

- Хайде, почвайте! - чуваха се нетърпеливи гласове.

 Футболистите на „Скобелев" и „Победа" излязоха да загряват и да свикнат с осветлението. И досега помня удължените сенки, движещи се по игрището. За нас наистина беше забавно, но за отборите - не много лесно. И все пак, при голямо въодушевление у зрителите, мачът се игра според правилата. „Скобелев" спечели с 3:1.

 Имаше, разбира се, и спорове. Ревът на моторите и агрегатите край игрището, музиката, закачките и виковете заглушаваха реферската свирка. Това налагаше често спиране и подновяване на играта, но не попречи на доброто настроение.
И тогава футболът, както и сега, се ползуваше с голяма обич и уважение сред ръководители, състезатели и зрители..."

 За съжаление, ще завършим статията минорно. В момента "Спартак" (Плевен) домакинства в Ловеч, тъй като стадион "Плевен" няма лиценз за "Втора лига". Пожелаваме на "синьо-белите" един ден отново да напълнят градския стадион, а играчите им да бъдат сравнявани с легенди като Никола Пърчанов, Пламен Николов, Благой Кръстанов, Сашо Върбанов, Краси Лазаров, Георги Денев, Лъчо Танев, Краси Бислимов и, разбира се, Пламен Гетов.

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Augustus 29.09.2022 11:53

By Aditya Kalra NEW DELHI, Dec 18 (Reuters) - Trade groups representing some of the worlds biggest firms plan to lobby U.S. officials and Indian lawmakers in a bid to dilute parts of an Indian privacy bill which could hurt businesses, three sources familiar with the plans told Reuters. The Personal Data Protection Bill, which Indias government argues is necessary to protect user privacy, will require companies such as Alphabet Incs Google and Facebook to change how they store and process Indian users data. Industry executives say some provisions will raise costs and compliance requirements. One provision empowers the government to ask a company to provide anonymised user data to help formulate policies - data companies are loathe to share as it is crucial to fuel business growth. Submitted by the government last week, the bill will be reviewed by a 30-member parliamentary panel. The U.S.-India Business Council (USIBC), part of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, plans to lobby Indian parliamentarians who will review the bill and will hold meetings with key U.S. government officials, said one source. The council may also lead a delegation to India early next year to meet the parliamentary panel, the source added. The sources declined to comment as the lobbying plans have not been made public. The plans signal Indias privacy bill could deepen bilateral strains. Washington has been upset with new stringent data storage rules that affect credit card companies and has also protested against e-commerce rules which have hurt firms such as Amazon.com Inc. Meenakshi Lekhi, the head of the parliamentary panel and a lawmaker from the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, told Reuters the committee will try to have the widest possible consultations. She added, however, that she will seek legal advice on the participation of a foreign lobby group during the panels deliberations. USIBC said in a statement it was assessing the bill and will engage with the government and other stakeholders to ensure that industry perspectives on the bill are incorporated. Another influential lobby group, the U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum, has told its members it plans to work with other industry bodies and speak to U.S. officials as it looks to address industry concerns on the privacy bill, a second source said. The group said in a statement it was still assessing the bill. India is the latest country to seek tighter control over data and domestic operations of global tech firms. Vietnam has passed a law for technology firms to store important personal data on users in the country. Australia last year passed a bill that gave police access to encrypted data. (Reporting by Aditya Kalra in New Delhi; Editing by Edwina Gibbs) https:sloangroups.mit.educlick?uidca449c55-5b46-11e7-90ac-0a25fd5e4565&rhttps:asiaporntube.pro https:libproxy.chapman.edulogin?urlhttps:asiaporntube.pro

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WrofJago 29.09.2022 22:23

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Kathrin 30.09.2022 07:36

By Doina Chiacu and Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON, Sept 28 (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday urged Congress to close legal gaps that make it hard for the United States to prosecute non-U.S. citizens for war crimes, saying such changes could pave the way for the prosecution of Russian human rights crimes in Ukraine. Eli Rosenbaum, the department´s counselor for war crimes accountability, pitched the legal changes during a hearing before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, telling lawmakers that the four primary federal agencies involved in war crimes policy issues have already agreed on technical solutions to close what he described as major gaps in war crimes statutes. Given the shocking crimes being perpetrated by Russia during its unprovoked war against Ukraine, this hearing could not possibly be held at a more appropriate, urgent, or, frankly, terrifying time, he said in prepared testimony. The Justice Department is committed to holding the perpetrators of such grave crimes fully accountable. A United Nations-mandated commission found last week that war crimes including rape, torture, executions and confinement of children were committed by Russia in areas it occupied in Ukraine. Russia denied the allegations. The law allows war crimes prosecution only when a victim or perpetrator is a U.S. citizen or resident, so it does not apply to most of the war criminals who have come to the United States, Rosenbaum said. The U.S. torture statute does not allow criminal prosecution unless the perpetrator is a U.S. citizen or in the country, he said. The third gap involves lack of a statute criminalizing crimes against humanity including mass murder or a widespread attack on a civilian population, Rosenbaum said. War crimes and genocide statutes alone simply are not sufficient to address the full and tragic array of large-scale atrocity crimes that continue to beset the world, he said. The departments of Defense, Homeland Security, State, and Justice, among other agencies, have agreed on proposed changes to the statute to address the gaps and allow the Justice Department to fully prosecute the people behind such crimes, he said. Congress would need to act on the changes. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland affirmed the U.S. States commitment to identify, arrest and prosecute those involved in war crimes and atrocities committed during Russias invasion of Ukraine in a visit to that country in June. He announced the creation of a team focused on war crimes accountability, led by Rosenbaum, that will help Ukraine with criminal prosecution, evidence collection and forensics of human rights abuse, war crimes and other atrocities. (Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch and Doina Chiacu; Editing by Nick Zieminski) Escort Dosso Niger - libproxy.vassar.edu -

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Caroline 30.09.2022 10:53

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Hiram 05.10.2022 15:04

By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) - The trial of Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the far-right Oath Keepers militia, and four others begins on Tuesday in what will be the most high-profile case so far in the Justice Departments investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Rhodes and his co-defendants Kelly Meggs, Thomas Caldwell, Jessica Watkins and Kenneth Harrelson are the first people in more than 10 years to face federal charges of seditious conspiracy under a Civil War-era statute that is rarely prosecuted and carries a statutory maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. Seditious conspiracy is defined as two or more people plotting to overthrow, put down or to destroy by force the government of the United States. Supporters of former President Donald Trump, a Republican, stormed the U.S. Capitol in a failed attempt to overturn his 2020 election loss to Democrat Joe Biden after Trump falsely claimed the election had been stolen from him. Five people died during and shortly after the riot, and about 140 police were injured. The five accused Oath Keeper defendants also face charges of conspiring to obstruct and obstructing an official proceeding, which carries up to 20 years in prison, and conspiring to prevent an officer from discharging duties. In addition, the defendants who physically entered the Capitol building - Watkins, Meggs and Harrelson - are charged with property destruction. Watkins separately faces a civil disorder charge, while the other four are each charged with tampering for allegedly trying to destroy evidence. The indictment against the five alleges they plotted to use force to oppose the peaceful transfer of power from Trump to Biden. Prosecutors have also said the defendants trained and planned for Jan. 6, the day Congress met to certify Bidens win. Prosecutors say Rhodes led and coordinated the alleged plot, which involved the defendants setting up a quick reaction force and stockpiling weapons at a northern Virginia hotel. The indictment alleges Caldwell helped coordinate the quick reaction force teams, while Watkins, Harrelson and Meggs are accused of storming into the Capitol building in military-like formation. They are not accused of carrying guns onto Capitol grounds. Jury selection will begin on Sept. 27, and it is expected to last for several days. The jury will be partially sequestered, in an effort to ensure jurors do not accidentally come into contact with members of the media covering the trial inside the courthouse. Presiding U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta has estimated the trial could last up to six weeks. It will feature testimony from dozens of witnesses, as well as video clips from the day of the attack, and both audio and text message exchanges among the defendants. Attorneys for some of the defendants are expected to defend their actions in part by arguing that they believed they could be called to action if Trump invoked the Insurrection Act, a law that empowers the president to deploy troops to suppress civil disorder. However, they will not be permitted to claim that Trump ordered them to march on the Capitol or asked them to stop Congress from certifying the 2020 election results. The Oath Keepers is an anti-government militia whose membership includes current and former U.S. military and law enforcement personnel. Dozens of members or associates of the Oath Keepers have been charged in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. Three have pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy charges. Another four Oath Keeper defendants accused of seditious conspiracy will go to trial on Nov. 29. (Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch; additional reporting by Chris Gallagher, editing by Ross Colvin) Santa Ana El Salvador (http:olc1.ohiolink.edusearcht?For+true&backlinkhttps:xporno.cfd)

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Debbie 06.10.2022 03:33

Karen Khachanov, Russia, def. Maxime Cressy, United States, 6-4, 7-6 (3). Pavel Kotov, Russia, def. Alejandro Davidovich Fokina, Spain, 6-4, 6-4. Stefanos Tsitsipas (3), Greece, def. Mikhail Kukushkin, Kazakhstan, 6-3, 6-4. Luca Nardi, Italy, def. Alexander Shevchenko, Russia, 7-6 (4), 6-2. David Goffin, Belgium, def. Carlos Alcaraz (1), Spain, 7-5, 6-3. Alexander Bublik, Kazakhstan, def. Tallon Griekspoor, Netherlands, 6-0, 4-6, 6-3. Daniil Medvedev (2), Russia, def. Albert Ramos-Vinolas, Spain, 6-3, 6-1. Jan Zielinski and Hubert Hurkacz, Poland, def. Harri Heliovaara, Finland, and Lloyd Glasspool (4), Britain, 7-6 (2), 6-3. Fabrice Martin and Adrian Mannarino, France, def. Andrey Golubev and Aleksandr Nedovyesov, Kazakhstan, 3-6, 6-4, 11-9. Marcel Granollers, Spain, and Horacio Zeballos (3), Argentina, def. Cristian Rodriguez, Colombia, and Diego Hidalgo, Ecuador, 7-6 (2), 2-6, 10-7. Fuji Japan (https:school.wakehealth.edufacultyaanthony-atala?backhttps:seulesexy.com)

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Rayford 10.10.2022 07:19

Saudi reform drive confronts jobs challenge By Afp Published: 06:36 BST, 13 July 2016 | Updated: 06: 37 BST, 13 July 2016 e-mail 25 shares Their heads bowed, young Saudi men concentrate on exam papers in a workshop filled with industrial machines that will help them earn a living. The students at the Higher Institute for Plastics Fabrication (HIPF) learn to manufacture plastic bags, pipes, bottles and other products, skills they immediately put to work in what the government says is a unique model. Reducing the kingdoms high unemployment rate is a foundation -- and major challenge -- of the governments wide-ranging Vision 2030 reform plan unveiled in April. A general view of the workshop in the Higher Institute for Plastics Fabrication in the Saudi capital Riyadh ©Fayez Nureldine (AFP) It aims not only to bring more Saudis into the workforce but also to give them vocational skills needed for a diversified private sector. The HIPF and similar institutes are a focus of the effort to transform Saudi Arabias labour force, ending decades of over-reliance on oil exports to strengthen the Gulf kingdoms industrial base. The National Transformation Programme (NTP), which sets five-year targets for implementing the Vision, calls for Saudi unemployment to be cut from 11.6 percent to nine percent by 2020. More than half of Saudis are under 25 but the International Monetary Fund last year noted very high and rising youth unemployment which it said must be tackled urgently. Experts say doing so will be a major challenge, with many Saudis long accustomed to a bloated public sector, a heavily subsidised economy and a lack of incentives to work. It is an attitude reflected in young Saudis like Hadi al-Harbi, an 18-year-old ex-security guard in Mecca, who never finished middle school but would like to work again -- as long as the job is comfortable and with a good salary. More than 6.5 million foreigners were employed last year in the kingdom, whose Saudi population is about 21 million, according to data cited by Riyadh-based Jadwa Investment. - Expand opportunities for women - Expatriates do everything from management to cleaning the streets and waiting on tables, in a society where many locals are reluctant to take jobs they consider menial. Almost twice as many Saudis are employed in the public sector, where hours are shorter and leave longer, than in private firms. By 2020 the government aims to cut its payroll to 40 percent of the budget from 45 percent, while seeking to foster a culture of high performance among all workers in the country. Even in the private sector, some Saudis have jobs only on paper, recruited to help companies win incentives -- such as a greater ability to renew visas -- or avoid sanctions set up as part of the governments effort to get more nationals employed. Another goal of the NTP is to expand the workforces number of women, whose job opportunities were traditionally restricted in a male-dominated, conservative Islamic society. The jobless rate for Saudi women rose slightly last year to 33.8 percent. The figure was nearly twice as high for women in their 20s, according to Jadwa. In our culture it was hard for us to go to work or try to find our own way. It was not allowed, says Saleema Shaker al-Malki, 30, a Riyadh mother of three who has never had a job. Completely covered except for her eyes, according to the practice of many Saudi women, she hopes the NTP can help her find suitable work so that I can escape from the routine life... and achieve my dreams. Improved education is a focus of the Vision 2030 plan, which calls for expanded vocational training and rigorous standards in basic learning. - Transition not easy - A foreign education expert in Saudi Arabia told AFP the reforms will take years. Saudi Arabias well-equipped training institutes may talk the talk but standards still lag, the expert said. The HIPF plastics institute is among the most advanced of about 240 schools run by the governments Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC). Some, like the HIPF, are partnerships between the TVTC and industry firms that run them. The TVTC says the approach is unique because students receive a job as well as training, which is conducted in English. From Day One of training the newly arrived students, HIPF is fulfilling Vision 2030s goal of employment, said Khaled al-Ghefaili, the schools executive director. Each day starts with calisthenics and an inspection of students uniforms, which helps instil discipline and a strong work ethic, Ghefaili says at the school in an industrial district in Riyadh. The course concludes with a job placement before graduates continue to full-time employment. Abdullah al-Aameri, 23, who will graduate later this year, says that aside from working in the industry many fellow students also hope to open their own plastic businesses. So they will start their own jobs and give jobs to others, Aameri says. Established in 2007, the HIPF has graduated more than 1,000 young men, about 70 percent of whom are still employed in the private sector. Ghefaili says he is satisfied to some extent with that record, given that Saudi Arabias plastics sector has for decades relied on low-paid expatriates. To succeed further, he said, the industry must evolve from a focus on consumer goods to more complex higher value production, which would broaden job opportunities. To do the transition is not easy, he says. Saudi students pass their final exams at a workshop in the Higher Institute for Plastics Fabrication in Riyadh ©Fayez Nureldine (AFP) The students at the Higher Institute for Plastics Fabrication learn to manufacture plastic bags, pipes, bottles and other products, skills they immediately put to work in what the government says is a unique model ©Fayez Nureldine (AFP) Reducing the Saudi Arabias high unemployment rate is a foundation -- and major challenge -- of the governments wide-ranging Vision 2030 reform plan unveiled in April ©Fayez Nureldine (AFP) https:burkecounty-ga.gov https:coitest.northwestern.edutest3RoomsRoomComponentsLoginViewGetSessionAndBack?_webrVerifySession637963967888512530&redirectbackhttps:asiaporntube.pro

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Latoya 16.10.2022 22:34

idarticle-body classrow sectionarticle-body data-componenttrackCWV If you want to avoid jail time in Thailand, dont talk trash about its royal family. Even on Facebook. A military court in Bangkok sentenced a man to 35 years in prison on Friday for Facebook posts said to be insulting to the Thai royal family. Such speech is illegal under the countrys lese-majesty laws, which insulate the family from criticism.  A watchdog group that tracks such cases called it the harshest sentence yet. The court punished him with seven years per count. Altogether he was given 70 years, but it was reduced in half because he confessed, iLaws Yingcheep Atchanont told The Guardian. The man has been identified only by his first name, Wichai, in order to protect his family. He was said to have been using the Facebook account of a former friend in an attempt to slander him. Wichai initially denied the charges, according to iLaw, but later confessed.  The countrys military, in power since 2014, has been criticized by the United Nations for using the law to stifle opposition.  Escort Boca Suno Ecuador; clients1.google.lk,

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Jeanna 20.10.2022 19:53

Sep 16 (OPTA) - Summaries for the Primeira Liga on Friday (start times are WET) Portimonense (1) 1 Scorers: Paulo Estrela 19pen Yellow card: Filipe Relvas 45, Rui Gomes 55, Nakamura 68, Diaby 88 Subs used: Diaby 67 (Róchez), Bruno Reis 80 (Ewerton), Gonçalo Costa 80 (Rui Gomes), Henrique Jocú 94 (Paulo Estrela), Ouattara 94 (Luquinha) Chaves (0) 0 Red card: Vitória 92 Yellow card: João Correia 51, Guima 60 Subs used: Jonathan Arriba 70 (Juninho), Patrick 71 (Bernardo Sousa), Jô 89 (Guima), Hélder Morim 91 (João Teixeira) Referee: Manuel António Rodrigues Oliveira ................................................................. Saturday, September 17 fixtures (WETGMT) Gil Vicente v Rio Ave (15301430) Santa Clara v Paços de Ferreira (15301430) Estoril v Porto (18001700) Boavista v Sporting CP (20301930) Sunday, September 18 fixtures (WETGMT) Arouca v Vitória Guimarães (15301430) Casa Pia v Famalicão (18001700) Benfica v Marítimo (18001700) Sporting Braga v Vizela (20301930) Escort Birobidzhan Russia, coitest.northwestern.edu,

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Isiah 21.10.2022 12:39

An obese student who was so heavy she broke a cinema chair now looks unrecognisable after beating her food addiction and dropping 55kg naturally. Just one year ago, Cathryn Hucknall, 26, tipped the scales at 150kg - while she also struggled to find clothes to fit her size 28 frame. The part-time university student from Ballarat, Victoria, explained that she had been plagued by a near lifelong addiction to food, that had caused her weight to creep up to more than 200kg when she was just 16. Ive always been a binge eater and I think thats always been my downfall - I would binge eat anything but even as a kid large dinner portions have been my kryptonite, Cathryn said. An obese student who was so heavy she broke a cinema chair now looks unrecognisable after beating her food addiction and dropping 55kg naturally (before, left, after, right) The part-time university student from Ballarat, Victoria, explained that she had been plagued by a near lifelong addiction to food, that had caused her weight to creep up to more than 200kg when she was just 16 Just one year ago, Cathryn Hucknall, 26, tipped the scales at 150kg - while she also struggled to find clothes to fit her size 28 frame (pictured in 2014) Even in the early years of dating my husband we would try to find the biggest dirtiest burgers and pizzas whenever wed go on adventures. When I came to anything savory in large amounts, I would go crazy. I often couldnt move off the couch for a significant amount of time because I was so incredibly full and I couldnt physically move. After leaving home, Cathryns weight dipped down to between 160kg-150kg over the next few years - but she struggled to shift the extra weight. In 2018, when she and her husband Jonathan, 26, went to the cinema with a friend, her seat broke half way through the movie.  https:pshr.depaul.edu https:shibboleth.uic.eduidpcgi-binshib-logout.cgi?returnhttps:asiaporntube.pro

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Трябва ли да се дава път на младите футболисти?
Двата мача на Христо Стоичков за Ал Насър
Димитър Пенев – футболистът: един от най-великите български играчи
Великите евромачове на българските клубове